Hello, I'm Melvin Raj. I am a writer and a gamer.

This site is the hub for all the writings I publish. You can find all my writings, journeys, stories, essays, book notes, movie opinions, and much more.

I am interested in learning new topics and dissecting information - from new tech to productivity, from a micro-blog to a movie, from a song to a sport.

It fascinates me how some people are creative! How some of them can write an entire book from one idea and how we as readers don't lose focus on what story they tell.

I will forever be a fan of such creative people and seek inspiration and hopefully, create something I am proud of.

So, that pretty much covers it. You can find it pretty basic but for me, it is all I want to talk and write about. I can imagine a million things, but I can only write about these things in a more digestible way.

You can find other passions of me here:

  1. Twitch - Gaming

  2. Origins of Originality

If you want to read a few of my favorite writings, check these out:

  1. Movies x Paintings - A mixed media mini project

  2. Friend of everyone, an enemy of yourself

  3. The art of great hooks 🔑

You can read more here

Hopefully, you want to read more from me and keep yourself posted about my writings. If so, join the subscriber list.

I won’t spam you with all the shit-postings but I promise to keep you entertained or educated or at least not post a completely boring piece of writing.

Subscribe to Melvin Raj

This website is a hub, where you can find all his works - the good, the bad, and the ugly. He's an IT analyst by profession and a passionate writer. He shares his personal journey, learnings, book and movie reviews and writes a few short stories.


A flâneur in the urban labyrinth.