You just need to decide.
The first step towards building creative habits is making a conscious decision to prioritize creativity in our lives. This decision requires a shift in mindset, recognizing that creativity is not a luxury but a necessity to bring peace and a sense of fulf

The first step towards building creative habits is making a conscious decision to prioritize creativity in our lives. This decision requires a shift in mindset, recognizing that creativity is not a luxury but a necessity to bring peace and a sense of fulfillment to our lives.
By acknowledging the value of creativity and committing to its cultivation, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock creativity.
This post is all about how to build creative habits by just deciding to start.
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Oftentimes, when you are looking at people doing creative habits you want to do – You wish that it was you, you imagine how life would be if you just took the time to work on it.
There are various things you can do but you only feel like doing a very few of them. Take these dreams as a sign to at least try to do it for a while.
Having a creative habit to do every day is not only helpful in enriching the creative spark in your mind but also a way to find peace in this fast-moving world.
So, to start on this creative journey. The first thing to do is to decide to start.
We only wonder about things and how it would be cool to have a hobby, how cool it would be to be a sketch artist - roaming around the street making frames and sketching his not-so-perfect sketch only because he likes doing it.
It wouldn't have been possible if he haven't decided to start sketching.
The only thing stopping you from starting your creative journey is the hindrance in deciding to start.
I know this because starting something is hard and people have huge expectations when you start writing or sketching. But the important thing to remember is that you are doing it only for yourself.
Once you decided you will automatically have the next step ready because you were probably thinking about it for a long time.
It's the same thing with me. I wanted to write for a long time. Ever since I read the first novel "Till the last breath" by Durjoy Datta in 2016, in my college room at 2 am in the night, with my legs straight up aligned with the wall while my body slanted on the bed to have that proper back support(I read this in one sitting and sat in some weird poses while reading), I thought to myself how cool would it be to have something like this with my name on it.
That is when I started reading a lot of stories, but never started writing because -
I thought only accomplished writers write all this, I am not a writer. but when I was at my home on June 2020. I decided to write because I enjoy the imagination of me writing something. So, that is when I first wrote and published. It wasn't a book but it was something I have written.
The feeling of hitting published and seeing what I have written was beautiful. It only made me want to write more.
That is what I mean by you just need to decide. It may be your dream for a long time. Maybe right from when you were too young to realise this but you will still remember that you wanted to do this.
It is important because it gives you the push to start. You will always figure out how to do it, but the conscious decision to build a creative habit needs to come from you to make a difference.
Creative habits are not for others. It is for you only. So, don't think about what others would think and whether would it be nice. I am asking you to do something for a set period of time every day and watch how mindful and calm you feel.
In the constant battle for attention between social media, work, and family. This one activity will become your source of fulfillment.
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This week, I made the poster for the movie Shawshank Redemption.
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