Of 24, I ask you for 1...
That is all I ask, to give yourself to form a creative habit with no expectations or deadlines.
Okay, this needs to be addressed today for sure. Why is the creative urge to do something immediately stopped once you don't see any progress?
I mean if everything takes time, why don't we give it the time it needs? That is what we are forgetting about creative habits and the whole meaning behind the creative process.
That is what you will be reading for the rest of this post.
I send out a weekly email sharing thoughts on creative habits and how we can restore the creative balance in our daily lives. If you are interested in such a topic – subscribe by clicking on the below button for free.
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Being in your early 20s till your early 30s, I think we tend to explore new opportunities and sometimes we get too attached to a field and we imagine ourselves in the top position of that field – Without even starting the actual job.
This is what we are wired to be – to be the best at anything.
But when it comes to creative habits or experiments, I think you need to be free of that rule to be the best and just start being your absolute worst. Be super happy that you did something that you like and leave the rest of all worries about perfection, being the best, and other such metrics.
Let's be real, we all have 24 hours, and of that 24 hours, I am convincing you to be 1 hour as a completely beautiful soul just doing what you love.
Because in the modern world, having time for things we like is a luxury. And thinking it of luxury is a sad thing in my opinion. So, why not bring it back to normalcy by doing what we love as a creative habit for just 1 hour every day?
As mentioned in one of the previous posts, creativity is a journey, not a destination – we need to enjoy that one hour just by doing.
As a believer in this, I set aside one hour for something to do of my interest every day. I either write something on my laptop or draw something, or make irrelevant lines on paper just because it brings peace.
Is this really necessary?
This might be the question you have when I emphasize taking one hour of your life every day for doing something you like.
I will ask you this - Is there something you do that doesn't require you to be the best in any part of your day?
Your job expects you to deliver your tasks at your best time, your family expects the best of you to
I read this line from Salman Ansari's newsletter "Quick Brown Fox" which brings a new way of thinking about creative experiments –
Procrastination is often perfectionism in disguise. And perfectionism is a misguided attempt to secure an impossible guarantee.
When we are met with deadlines and expectations we are often led to the path of procrastination or perfectionism.
The whole point of creative experiments is to do the creative habit without deadlines or expectations and that is a beautiful thing to have in life, isn't it?
Also, with one hour given to being a curious kid, you can go and try to be the best at everything you do for the rest of your waking hours.
So, to conclude this newsletter, I would ask you to prioritize the one hour of your life to creative habits just like work but with no expectations or deadlines for that hour.
Thanks for reading this post. I truly appreciate your time and attention.
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Oh, this is a new addition for the subscribed people - you will only get this as a part of the free subscription - a creative experiment sneak peek if you will😋