Day 16

Writing is a skill. In here I send notes of my writing from the 50 days of writing course by David Perell, to reflect, develop and build my writing style.

Day 16
Photo by Luis Villasmil / Unsplash

In the 16th email from David Perell on the 50 days of writing course, David mentions how we can evaluate every piece of information/writing with three variables. Those variables being:

  1. Personal,
  2. Observational,
  3. and Playful.

David mentions this POP method is a contrast to traditional business writing where in the usage of extra puffery and heap of buzzwords are used to make themselves "sound smart".

The POP method explores how an article resonates with the audience reading it.

He mentions -

The proper weighting depends on what you’re trying to accomplish in your article. It’s like kitchen utensils where even though every home should have a spoon, you shouldn’t use it to cut a steak.

At the end, he suggests that observing your favorite writers through the POP lens will help us identify the balance of personal, observational and playfulness writing methods.

My thoughts:

The Writing methodology variables i.e. Personalization, Observational and Playful methods are the best strategies of story-telling that has been proven time and time. Understanding each of the method is a key aspect of progress as it will guide in shedding light while writing an article from the notes you have been gathering.

Personalization Method:

This method is used in marketing to target specific people or specific demographic of people. It helps people connect with the product they want to sell.  

Personalization method in online writing refers to writing build upon anecdotes and emotions. It creates a sense of shared feelings towards the point of the article. Keep in mind though, too much of personal content will be skimmed by the reader, once they get the point you are trying to make.

Observational Method:

Observational method is combining things that don't make sense. It leads the reader to feel "aha". In the movie world, these types of writing are called thrillers, where we can't make sense of what exactly is happening at the beginning of the movie but in the end, we will be 🤯🤯🤯 by the insane take of the story. That is observational Method of keeping the users in the backlight until the dots connect and then readers and watchers will add those feeling together.

This is what the Pixar movie makers always do, they narrate the story by telling 2+2 but never tell us its 4. There is a famous ted talk invoking two of the writing methods we talked about here from the famous filmmaker Andrew Stanton who has worked on Toy Story, WALL-E and co-written Finding Nemo.

Make me care - The art of finding great stories. 

Playful Method:

Playful writing is adding the fun element in the story while having the main point or idea underneath a solid one which can impact. There are many times playful writing captures great messages. You can see great story tellers were playful while conversing but the underlying notion is always impactful. Stand-up comedian "" are a great example of playful writings. Their scripts will be carefully written so that the method don't get overused and the ending is actually convincing to the audience.

So, in order to improve we must be looking for things in our favorite writers, artists and be aware of how they are implementing to actually have that running while you are writing.

In conclusion, the key takeaways from this email was:

  1. Find what method best applies to the context or outline that you have prepared.
  2. POP methodology will keep the readers hooked.
  3. The POP writing method contrasts Business writing Education.  
  4. Actively watching any play or reading any article with the POP lens will improve your writing.

Thank you for reading.

For more of Perell's work, visit David Perell and find his incredible essays to read. You can signup for the 50 Days of Writing Course by clicking and signing up to receive one mail every day with amazing take on  writing.

50 Days of Writing